I need to check memory usage of memcached server so I used:

echo stats | nc 11211

STAT pid 2743
STAT uptime 263
STAT time 1395438951
STAT version 1.4.13
STAT pointer_size 64
STAT rusage_user 0.482926
STAT rusage_system 2.675593
STAT curr_items 8667
STAT total_items 10742
STAT bytes 23802513
STAT curr_connections 296
STAT total_connections 399
STAT connection_structures 297
STAT cmd_flush 0
STAT cmd_get 52578
STAT cmd_set 10792
STAT get_hits 28692
STAT get_misses 23886
STAT evictions 0
STAT bytes_read 35984361
STAT bytes_written 192647437
STAT limit_maxbytes 536870912
STAT threads 2
STAT accepting_conns 1
STAT listen_disabled_num 0
STAT replication MASTER
STAT repcached_qi_free 8189
STAT repcached_wdata 0
STAT repcached_wsize 1026048

For me, bytes value was important but you could find more about all statistics hereexternal link .